Coach Terms of Service

This Coach Terms of Service governs your role as a Coach with reference to the Protip Terms of Service . The Protip Terms of Service is an integral part of the Terms of Service. Unless otherwise defined in this Protip Terms of Service, capitalized terms will have the meanings ascribed to such terms as set forth in the Terms of Service. These Proptip Terms of Use are considered Additional Terms, All provisions of the Terms of Service applies to Coaches as well where applicable (hereinafter referred to jointly "Terms")

1. Your Obligations

You must fulfill a Protip User's Analysis request within 48 hours of video upload. You must initiate scheduling of conference call within 48 hours of completing your analysis. You may contact Protip Users only through our Service.

  1. Protip Sessions:

    From time to time, a Protip User may request one or more video recordings from you through our Service. While we hope you will fulfill a request within 24 hours of receiving it, you may have up to 48 hours (at Protip’s sole discretion) to complete and upload the Protip Video. If you do not either: (i) accept the request and upload the Protip Session; or (ii) decline the request within that time; the request will expire and can no longer be fulfilled (except that you may fulfill the expired request at no cost to the Protip User and with no payment due from us). You may decline a request or otherwise refuse, in your discretion, to create or upload a Protip Session if a Protip User’s request is objectionable or otherwise offensive to you. If you accept a request, you agree to record and upload to our Service one Protip Session. Protip retains the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel any request from a Protip User. We reserve the right to remove your Protip Session at any time for any reason. No payment will be made to you for any declined, cancelled, or unfulfilled Protip Session request. You agree that each Protip Session will be approximately 1:00 (one minute) in duration. You will have sole discretion over the script and content of any Protip Video, except that you agree: you will use your name (please introduce yourself), the Protip User’s name and you will not state in the Protip Session that the Protip Session is incomplete or cannot be completed. Your response to the Protip User’s request is your responsibility and at your discretion, subject to these Terms. Your interactions with third parties, including Protip Users, on or through our Service, are solely between you and the third party; however, Protip may, in its sole discretion, intercede in any dispute and you will reasonably cooperate with Protip if it does so. You acknowledge and agree that Protip will not be responsible for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, or liabilities incurred as the result of such interactions. You agree to contact Protip Users about Protip Sessions only through our Service.

  2. Registration:

    In order to accept requests on our Service, you will need to register. In registering, you agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself as prompted by our registration form, as well as any other information reasonably requested by us (collectively, “Registration Data”), and maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete. If you do not do so or we reasonably believe that you have not done so, we have the right to suspend or terminate your account and your use of any part of our Service. You agree not to create an account using a false identity or providing false information, on behalf of another person (except as outlined below for Organizations below), or if you have previously been removed or banned from our Services. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information, including your email and password. You are responsible for all activities that occur on or in connection with your account and you agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized access or use of your account. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible or liable for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, or liabilities related to any unauthorized access to or use of your account.

    1. Coach, age of majority in your jurisdiction of residency, but at least 18 years old: Coaches who are the age of majority in your jurisdiction of residency (but at least 18 years old) may register our Platform. By registering, you represent and warrant that:

    2. you are the age of majority in your jurisdiction of residency, but at least 18 years old;

    3. you are of legal age to form a binding contract;

    4. you are not barred from using our Services under the laws of your place of residence, or any other applicable jurisdiction; and

    5. you are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations relating to Coach’s participation on our Platform and will fully indemnify the Protip for any failure to do so.

  3. Organizations: A management company, manager, agency, agent, publicist, or other individual or organization (each, an “Organization”) may register a Coach (“Affiliated Coach”). By registering, the Organization represents and warrants for itself and each Affiliated Coach that:

    1. Organization is the authorized representative of the Affiliated Coach and (if any Affiliated Coach is below the age of 18, registering with any required consent of the Affiliated Coach’s parent or legal guardian) and agrees to these Terms;

    2. neither the Organization nor the Affiliated Coach is barred from using our Service under the laws of the place of residence of the Organization or any Affiliated Coach, or any other applicable jurisdiction; and

    3. Organization is responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations relating to Affiliated Coach’s participation on our Platform under these Terms and will fully indemnify Protip for any failure to do so.

  4. Name and Likeness.

    Coach hereby grants to Protip the non-exclusive right and license, in perpetuity and throughout the universe, to use Coach’s name, image, likeness, voice, attributes and/or biography in connection with the advertising, marketing, promoting, publicizing and exploiting any matter related to the Service and all subsidiary and ancillary rights therein, in perpetuity, throughout the world and in any and all media, whether now known or hereafter devised.

2. Fees and Payment

We pay you up to 75% of the revenue actually received by us from a Protip User for each Protip Session you make for a Protip User.

  1. Fees: Other than with respect to an expired request that you choose to fulfill (as set forth in Section 1 and subject to these Terms, we will pay to you 75% of the revenue actually received by Protip for each Protip Session you created and delivered to fulfill to a Protip User’s request that you accepted through our Service. You will have the right to set your own price for each Protip Session,. You represent and warrant that:

    1. Protip Sessions are not, and are not intended to be, covered by any guild, union, collective bargaining, or similar agreement and there will be no residual or any other type of payment due from Protip to you, to any third party, guild, or union, or pursuant to any collective bargaining agreement, in connection with any Protip Session, payment from us to you, or our Service;

    2. Protip is not responsible for, and will not make any deduction to payments made to you for any fees, commissions, costs, expenses or payments of any kind to or with respect to any third party, including any manager, agent, attorney, representative, or service provider, in connection with any revenue earned by or payments made to you in connection with our Service; and

    3. Protip is not responsible for any contributions, payments, taxes, or deductions for Social Security, retirement benefits, unemployment insurance, annuities, or pension or welfare fund payments required by law or any labor union, or any withholding or income taxes.

  2. Payment:

    You agree to register with the third party payment provider selected by Protip, which is currently Stripe or, if you live in a country in which Stripe does not provide services, then PayPal; any payment provider is subject to change in Protip’s sole discretion and you agree to abide by all the terms and conditions for the use of such third party payment provider. You do not have the option to select a payment provider other than the one selected by Protip. You agree to provide to the payment provider all information required by such payment provider in order to receive payments due via the payment provider. We make all payments upon your complete delivery of the Protip Video you made but at least within 30 days from we received the payment from the Protip User. Payments will be in the currency you select with the payment provider, your choice of currency cannot mean any costs to us and we initiate the payment of the revenue you are entitled to under these Terms in U.S. Dollars. If you do not provide to the payment provider all required information, then you may not be able to receive the payments due to you. Protip will not be responsible for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, or liabilities arising out of or in connection with your inability to receive payments as a result of your failure to provide such information. Subject to the applicable payment provider’s terms, payment will be made to you by the payment provider within approximately two weeks of receipt by Protip of payment from the Protip User for each request for a Protip Session that you have fulfilled (as set forth in Section 1). You acknowledge and agree that no payment provider used by Protip is operated, owned or controlled by Protip, and your use of any such payment provider is subject to the terms and conditions and privacy policies of that payment provider. We are not responsible for any delay, failure, damage, or liability caused by a payment provider, any other third party, a force majeure, or your failure to timely or properly set up an account with the payment provider or otherwise provide requested information for payment. Unless otherwise agreed by Protip, you acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for any fees, costs and expenses incurred in connection with the use of a payment provider. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Terms, if Protip, in its sole discretion, believes that any fraud, money laundering, or other violation of law or regulation is taking place on or in connection with our Service, you acknowledge and agree that we may withhold, delay, or seek repayment of any payments we believe, in our sole discretion, may have arisen out of or in connection with any such violation of law or regulation.

3. Coach Content

  1. Rights Grant to Protip Users: You hereby grant to each Protip User of the Protip Session a non-exclusive right to use and access, the Protip Session for personal purposes only for up to five (5) years from the date of delivery of each such Protip Session to the Protip User. Such five (5) year period survives any cessation of services provided by you as a Coach through the Services.

  2. Licenses: Please note that the rights granted in this section are fully-paid and royalty free, meaning we do not owe you anything in connection with the use of your Protip Session, by us, Protip Users, other than the payment set forth in Section 2.b. We may exercise our rights under this license anywhere in the world. We may sublicense our rights as needed to provide and promote our Service or otherwise in accordance with these Terms. Finally, the licenses granted in this Section 3 are perpetual, meaning that the rights granted under these licenses continue even after you stop using our Service.

  3. Coach Video Representations and Warranties:

    Your represent and warrant that:

    1. you own all rights in and to your Protip Session and that you have the right to grant the rights described in these Terms; you have paid and will pay in full any fees, royalties, or other payments that are due or may become due in connection with any creation, distribution and use of your Protip Session;

    2. your agreement to these Terms and the provision of any services by you does not violate any agreement that you may have with any third party;

    3. your Protip Session does not infringe, misappropriate, or otherwise use without necessary authorization, any intellectual property rights, privacy rights, publicity rights, moral rights, or other legal rights of any third party, or violate any law, regulation, or court order;

    4. you will not post or make publicly available any Protip Session that the Protip User has requested remain private and you will not ask us for permission to create or post same;

    5. you will not contact, respond to or communicate with any Protip User that you meet on or through our Service, other than to deliver the Protip Session through our Service;

    6. you will not provide your contact information to any Protip User or send merchandise or anything else to a Protip User other than as permitted by these Terms;

    7. you agree not to edit, change, modify, or remove the watermark from any Protip Session or assist or encourage any third party to do so; and you will not remake any Protip Session unless asked by us to do so.

  4. Treatment of Protip Session:

    Any Protip Session is non-confidential, non-proprietary, and must not contain or include any information which you do not have the right to disclose or that you do not wish to be disclosed. We will not be responsible or liable for any use or disclosure of Protip Session, including any personal information included in that Protip Session. You acknowledge and agree that your relationship with us is not a confidential, fiduciary, joint-venture, employer/employee, agency, or other type of special relationship, and that your decision to participate in our Service or submit any Protip Session does not place us in a position that is any different from the position held by members of the general public, including with regard to your Protip Session. None of your Protip Session will be subject to any obligation of confidence by us, Protip Users, or third parties, and we will not be liable or responsible for any use or disclosure of any Protip Session.

  5. Refusal and Removal of Protip Session:

    We may refuse to accept or transmit Protip Session for any reason without notice to you. We may remove Protip Session from our Application for any reason without notice to you.

  6. Cancellation of Account:

    If you cancel your account, you may, on at least three business days’ advance written notice to us, request that we no longer include your Protip Sessions on our Application and that we not make any new public use of them. You acknowledge and agree that we cannot restrict the use of your existing Protip Sessions by the Protip Users for whom you created them.

  7. Moral Rights:

    You hereby waive any and all moral rights or “droit moral” that you may have in Protip Video, and you represent and warrant that no third party has any moral, “droit moral” or other rights in the Protip Session.