Protip Coaching

Photo of a fitness coach

Protip is for
Coaches and Athletes

Are you a coach or athlete who is passionate about helping others excel in their sport? Protip is an opportunity to connect and share what you have learned with others.

Create your Protip coach account and determine what type of sessions you’d like to offer and what price you’d like to charge.

Protip sessions can include video analysis, one on one video conferencing, nutrition consultations, remote physical therapy, personalized training plans, and more.

View an example video review session here.

Become a Protip Coach

Create your account

Create your account and set up your coaching profile. Your coaching profile is where people can learn about you and purchase your services.

Set up your services

Determine what type of sessions you’d like to offer and what price you’d like to charge. Sessions can include video analysis, one-on-one video conferencing, nutrition consultations, remote physical therapy, personalized training plans, and more.

Announce your availability

Protip will provide you with reels and other marketing materials you can use to announce your services on your website, Facebook, Instagram, and more. Your Protip link will take viewers to your personalized coach profile where they can view your services and purchase sessions with you.